All classes in this program run for a full dance season (September through May) and perform in the annual Spring Recital. All enrolled dancers are expected to perform with their class, unless a conflict with the recital dates is discussed with Miss Zachari during the trial and registration process.
There are a variety of reasons a dancer switches studios in the middle of their dance journey. A move might mean your home studio is too far away, your dancer might have graduated from the hardest class at their current studio, or you might realize that your values don't match up with the values of your current studio anymore.
Whatever the reason, Pas de Deux wants to help make the transition between studios as seamless as possible for our new studio members.
Whatever the reason, Pas de Deux wants to help make the transition between studios as seamless as possible for our new studio members.
Here are a few things to keep in mind when switching studios:
- Every method of ballet has characteristics that make them unique when it comes to style and the order of teaching steps. None of them are wrong, they are just different. Keeping this in mind during your first classes will help you more easily adapt to those differences. Remember to ask questions!
- Every studio has a different system for naming/numbering classes. This means that a level 4 class at one studio might be the same as a level 3 class at Pas de Deux, or vice versa. Remember that the content of the class is what matters, not what the class is called.
- Request a trial week to find the right fit! Fill out our Experienced Dancer trial form to get started. Be prepared to let us know about your previous ballet experience; the more information we have, the better fit your first trial class will be! If you already know Pas de Deux is the place for you, skip to our registration form instead! You'll still try out some classes to find the perfect fit, but we'll make sure spots are held for you through the first week.
- Leave your current studio on a good note. Chances are they put their heart and soul into your dance training, just like we do at Pas de Deux, and will be sad to lose you as a dancer. Giving them a chance to respond to your concerns before you make a change shows that you respect the time and energy they put into you.
Helpful links if you want to do more research:
* Studio Uniform * Cost Guide * Payment Policy *F.A.Q.s * Set up a Trial
* Studio Uniform * Cost Guide * Payment Policy *F.A.Q.s * Set up a Trial